The Gti-R fuel rail now ships out polished

JGY Gti-R Fuel Rail
Available for stock fuel pressure regulator or aftermarket (the Nismo FPR fits the stock location): $159 When ordering, our normal inventory rail ships out for JGY injectors (large size). If using Gti-R injectors, or same size as Gti-R injectors, please inform JGY staff.

New design for the JGY GTi-R fuel rail, sleeker, lower profile, but still with the large fuel delivery channel that JGY’s rails are known for: $159

Aeromotive 340 LPH fuel pump kit, now includes filter kit, rated for 700HP: $115

GTi-R 255 high pressure Walbro Fuel Pump: $99

Nismo Adjustable Fuel Pressure Regulator, an effective way to adjust base fuel pressure and to make sure that your fuel pressure is rising as your turbo boost is: $134

Injector Dynamics 1700cc Injectors - 60mm Length - 11mm Blue Top - 14mm Lower O-Ring (Set of 4) available in 14mm top as well. JGY price: $974
The ID1700 is the most recent offering from the partnership of Injector Dynamics and Bosch Motorsport. The ID1700 was designed to fill the gap between the ID1300 and the ID2000, and like the ID1300, it features corrosion resistant internals making it compatible with all known automotive fuels, you read that right, and that means E85.
A unique magnetic circuit, resulting from a lengthy development program, makes the ID1700 immune to voltage and pressure sensitivity problems that plague other high impedance high flow injectors. The ID1700 excels at high pressures typical of current automotive systems, and will perform flawlessly in these applications.
The ID1700 was designed to be an all fuel compatible injector, capable of very high flow rates. As such, it will most often be used to deliver E85 to boosted engines, or occasionally, gasoline in extreme high horsepower applications. Neither of these applications requires extended linearity at low flow rates, and so this was given a proportionately lower priority during the design process.
The ID1700 will deliver flawless stoichiometric idle and cruise mixtures on E85, but like the ID2000, should not be expected to do so on gasoline.
If you need flawless drivability on gasoline, then buy the ID1300 will provide this, and is capable of approximately 150hp per injector on E85.

Injector Dynamics ID1050X Injectors 14mm (Purple) (Set of 4): $440
The ID1050x is the evolution of the ID1000, and the latest addition to the X-Series. It is the most recent offering from the partnership of Injector Dynamics and Bosch Motorsport. Corrosion resistant internals make it compatible with all known fuels, capable of extended service life with corrosive fuels.

JGY Top Feed High Volume 550cc (50lb) Injectors
High quality, bench flowed and matched
Guaranteed fitment and function with our rails
Just .75ms latency at 13v
Many applications: $65 each

JGY Top Feed High Volume 750cc (72lb) Injectors
High quality, bench flowed and matched
Guaranteed fitment and function with our rails
Just .75ms latency at 13v
Many applications: $75 each

JGY Top Feed High Volume 1000cc (96lb) Injectors
High quality, bench flowed and matched
Guaranteed fitment and function with our rails
Just .75ms latency at 13v
Many applications: $75 each

440cc injector, small stem style, high impedance, great for CA18DET and to replace your old GTi-R injectors: $59 each

Injector Dynamics 850cc injectors: $125 each (Call for special pricing)

Injector Dynamics 2000cc injectors, 60mm length, 14mm top: $240 each (Call for special pricing)

120lb Injectors: $82

MSD Style Injector Connectors: $5 each
Resistors for low impedance injectors: $4 each