HKS Style BOV - $49

We now have the newly designed HKS BOV in stock! Only $215

NEW HKS BOV - $215
(needed flange to mount)
Steel flange - $32.50
Aluminum flange - $25

Forge BOV, great BOV if you want to recirculate, $123 is our price, list is $145 no flange needed

BLitZ Super Sound BOV,
with flange (needed to mount) $239

Tial Q BOV - $269

Synapse Synchronic BOV - $220

Greddy TYPE RS. Think the Greddy Type S was too quiet, if you like the sound of the Turbo XS and HKS Super Sequential, then you will love this one. It can be recirculated or vented to the atmosphere. It uses the same flanges as the other Greddys - $192
Aluminum flange - $31.85
Steel flange - $27.75

Apexi Twin Chamber BOV - The twin chamber has a high flow, quick response action because of its design - $199

Super Sequential BOV - Great Look, Great Sound - $210
Aluminum flange - $25
Steel flange - $32.50

Turbo XS H-RFL - Loud BOV - $155

Turbo XS RBV-25 - Great for MAF equipped cars - $139