Go Fast Bits Electronic Boost Controller: $269
Touch screen interface, 6 colors, closed loop boost control, handles up to 50psi, scramble boost feature, remote switching capability, up to 6 different boost presets, real time boost/vacuum gauge, peak/hold display, over boost warning/cut mode, super simple wiring/install

Haltech IQ3 display dash replaces all your gauges with one single digital display panel. Sourcing all its information directly from the Haltech ECU via a simple 2 wire CAN connection the Haltech IQ3 is the perfect data centre for any race enthusiast. The IQ3 display dash is fully user configurable in its display properties and warning lamp illumination – a must have for that serious racing look. $897

52mm Gauge Holder Only $8.25

Water temp radiator hose gauge adaptor Only $31.00

Prosport digital wideband Air/Fuel gauge now available separately for use with setups that do not include a gauge like Haltech and AEM. Only $59.00

Prosport Digital Wideband Air Fuel Ratio Gauge. With Bosch 5 Wire O2 Sensor. Available in White/Blue or White/amber. This is an excellent gauge with the high end Bosch sensor. Only $180

Prosport Fuel Pressure Gauge. Available in White/Amber or White/Blue completely electric...no gas goes into the cockpit $44.50

Greddy 60mm air fuel ratio gauge. Comes with wideband sensor, control box and wiring. Super nice and very accurate. This is one of our favorites! - $call

Greddy 52mm boost gauge. 2.0 bar (29 psi). Available in white or black. Both are backlit green. - $call

Greddy 52mm Exhaust gas temp gauge.300C to 1200C range. Available in white or black. Both are backlit green. - $call

Greddy 52mm fuel pressure gauge. 0-6 bar range. Available in white or black. Both are backlit green. - $call

PROSPORT GAUGES All the Prosport gauges also feature a neat trim ring that can be used for additional shading

Prosport 3.5inch Tachometer: $141
With Opening Ceremony; Just 25mm thick; 10,000 rpm limit; 6 stages of brightness; Dual Programmable warning features; Peak Max value feature; Shift Light; 3 different colors of back lighting

Prosport 3.5inch Speedometer: $136
With Opening Ceremony; Just 25mm thick; 140mph limit; Dual Programmable features; 6 stages of brightness; Daisy Chain connection; Peak Max value recall; Digital display also; Control box and speed light included (hey, slow down); 3 different colors of back lighting

Prosport 32mm gold water temp gauge hose adapter, great for use with Prosport’s water temp gauges, any series, simply cut a radiator hose and install in minutes: $27

Prosport Evo Series Digital Wideband, sweeping band and digital readout, 5volt Bosch Sensor: $194

Prosport Evo Series, 52mm Water Temp Gauge, Analog and Digital, white and green: $55 (shown above in both white and green)

Prosport Evo Series, 52mm Oil Pressure Gauge, Analog and Digital, white and green: $65

Prosport Evo Series, 52mm Boost Pressure Gauge, Analog and Digital, white and green: $68

Prosport Evo Series, 52mm Fuel Pressure Gauge, Analog and Digital, white and green: $62

Prosport Amber/White Boost Gauge. White during the day (top photo), Amber at night (bottom photo) or visa versa. We also stock the white/blue version in the same gauge. Only $51.00, another awesome feature is that it even includes extra boost hose and a T fitting to make the install a breeze, and don't forget...it's electric, so no more kinking the line during the install trying to get the hose in the cockpit, the sendor is in the engine bay so you are safe

AEM UEGO Gauge with bosch wideband o2 sensor. Want to get serious? This gauge is accurate to .1 AFR and is the best way for you to monitor/set up your fuel mixtures. - $207

Greddy Temp gauge. Can be used for water temp, or oil temp. 30C to 150C range. Available in white or black. Both are backlit green. - $call

Greddy 52mm oil pressure gauge. 0-10 bar range. Available in white or black. Both are backlit green. - $call